Monday, 26 July 2021

Busy busy BUSY!!!

 Ok, so I'd like to say I've been sewing heaps, but no.

I've been reading and watching YouTube, trying to get my head around the whole Vector Graphics thingame. 

Sitting next to my desk is a new laptop, and a new Wacom drawing tablet. They're still in their boxes, seals unopened. 

I'm sure I could maybe learn more by unpacking them, even playing with them, but I need to feel worthy. 

Maybe I'm just chicken.

Somehow I need to find that subconscious kicker, that will seduce me into NEEDING  to draw on this tablet, and manipulate that drawing with this laptop.

Wish me luck!🤣

Monday, 19 July 2021

Just another lazy Mon-day!

 Well hi there! 

I have been super busy since Friday, moving and rearranging 'stuff'. 

I like to re-work my creative spaces occasionally, it's like dusting cobwebs from my brain! This time there's good reason - I have a terrible habit of getting stuff out but not putting it away again. Even though I'm an expert at keeping stuff in neat piles, the piles multiple until I can't find things, trip over them, or my brain begins to silently screech with anxiety....ugh!!

Don't feel sorry for me though, I don't deserve it. I often take my blessings for granted - a lovely home nestled in trees,  atop of a mountain, with views forever, a 3 room studio all to myself, and 24hrs a day to sew. Yet, I rarely sit out on the verandah anymore, and instead find myself stitching/designing in front of the telly. Sigh.

So, I'm determined that once I have put stuff away and re-arrange a fussy little bit, I'm going to stitch/design outside every day if possible! 

For now, back to shuffling!

Chat soon,

Pami X

Fly, be free Angelica!!

 Hi Gawjus stitchy friends!!  I finally found my way back AND which button to click to post a new blog post. Ha! So, everyone who has signed...